Reason :
Profitable Salon Business for Sale
Monthly Revenue: AED 60,000
Monthly Costs: 75% of revenue
Monthly Profit: 25% of revenue
Staff: 4 (all on company visas)
Tenancy Contract: 5 years (3 years remaining)
Annual Rent: AED 220,000 (payable in 4 cheques)
Size: 600+ sq.ft.
Key Highlights:
Established and profitable salon business
Consistent monthly revenue stream
Favorable cost structure, ensuring healthy profits
Experienced staff on company visas
Long-term tenancy contract in place
Spacious premises for salon operations
Investment Opportunity:
This well-established salon business presents an exceptional opportunity for investors seeking a turnkey venture in the lucrative beauty industry. With a proven track record of generating substantial monthly revenue and profits, this salon offers a secure investment with immediate returns.
The favorable cost structure, coupled with a dedicated workforce and a long-term tenancy agreement, ensures operational stability and minimizes overhead expenses. The spacious premises provide ample room for growth and expansion, allowing the new owner to capitalize on the existing success and explore new avenues for revenue generation.
Don't miss this chance to acquire a thriving salon business with a solid foundation and a promising future. Act now and secure your path to entrepreneurial success in the dynamic beauty sector.
Disclaimer: Pictures are only used for marketing purposes, original can be shown to respective buyers!